
How To Advertise The Right Way For Your Company

All I wanted to do was send out some postcards for my business. What happened next changed my life and has put money in my pocket ever since. I watched a video from a guy named Gary Halbert. I laughed. I cried. And I was introduced to a new world in business advertising. I’d like […]

Don’t Be Too Busy Earning A Living To Get Wealthy

To become wealthy, you must put in the hard work to get rich enough so that you don’t have to work hard. #wealth is the worth of tangible and intangible assets while being wealthy is the possession of a high volume of these assets whether tangible or intangible, excluding any form of debt or expenses […]

Confessions Of A Limo Driver

“The high speed chase” 120 miles an hour. Pedal to the metal. He’s all in now. Looking for an escape. Trying to keep his composure but every second his heart feels like it’s gonna jump out of his chest. Traffic jam up ahead. He’s gotta get to the far right across four lanes to the […]

Dear Uber Cry Babies…

I’ve been hearing a lot of complaints from Uber drivers complaining about them not being able to make money. About them not being able to earn them struggling to survive and the only thing I have to say about that is to you stop whining like little sissies. You guys out there with one source […]

How To Overcome Failure…

There’s no doubt about it that you are a failure. I mean how many times in your life have you set out to do something but at the end it was a bust? A disaster. It’s something none of us can avoid for sure.  So I guess that means we might as well just pack […]

Book Review: Secret Flaw in Think and Grow Rich

Today I’m going to review the most famous book written on the concept of building wealth and the behavioral commonalities among wealthy people. This book was written by Napoleon Hill and released in the year 1937 at which time only 5000 copies were released. At that time you could get a copy for about $1.50. […]

Hard Work DOESN’T Pay Off… or does it?

We’ve been told our whole lives “hard work pays off” but is that really true? Just work hard. Get a good job. With benefits and health insurance. Work hard and you’ll reach the American dream. Since we were young our parents taught us that you have to work hard to get whatever you want in […]

What to Do In Tough Times

You got to get off your ass and do something You gotta learn something. Something of value. There’s no excuses. No one’s gonna give it to you. No ones gonna hand it to you. No ones gonna come teach you what you need to learn. As the saying goes “when the student is ready the […]