What to Do In Tough Times

You got to get off your ass and do something

You gotta learn something. Something of value.

There’s no excuses. No one’s gonna give it to you. No ones gonna hand it to you. No ones gonna come teach you what you need to learn.

As the saying goes “when the student is ready the teacher appears”. Are you prepared for the teacher or are you wasting time?

With all this uncertainty in the world why would you want to leave your fate in the hands of someone else?

Let’s face it most business owners don’t care about you or your problems, although there are still a few good employers out there.

Like the owner of Market Basket and his fight for the average worker to earn a decent living a few years back. But that’s rare, most owners are only focused on filling their pockets.

It’s 2017 you gotta acquire the skills necessary to make progress otherwise how can you succeed? You can’t you can’t!

Did you know that studies show that the average American doesn’t even read two books a year?

These average Americans were complaining about money and complaining about not having things what are they really? You’re not.

Did you know that statistic show that 32 million Americans are illiterate?

Now I’m not knocking people who are illiterate. Who I’m knocking are people who spend a large portion of their time on social media.

They learned how to use their phones to send all type on Instagram, Snap chat; all these types of things but then will turn around and say that they can’t read or that they can’t get a better job.

And the reality is you don’t necessarily need to read because YouTube has tons of tutorial videos. So take advantage of the free knowledge hats out there.

Did you know YouTube is the second most highest search engine in the world after Google?

What is the number one thing on YouTube being searched?  “how to”…(fill in the blank)

Want to learn how to cook General Tao’s chicken? Want to learn how to change the oil on your car?

Whatever you want to learn you can learn. Problem is people want to complain more than they want to learn and make progress.

That’s the problem.

My question is: What books are you going to read, what courses are you going to take, what training are you going to participate in order to add value to yourself?

If you’re flipping a burger or tightening the screw if you’re swinging a hammer and you’re not adding value to the marketplace then how could you asked for more money in your check?

The unions have trickled people in thinking that with the passing of time, if you tighten the screw then over the course of a year you deserve to get paid more. For “seniority”. This is what people believe, but is not with the owners of the company believe.

Think about this…

Think about it what if that was you who owned that business. Let’s see the other side of the coin, what if it was you that all that business.

The number one expense as a business owner is what? Labor, that’s the number one expense.

So why in the world would YOU pay a person extra every year, for doing the same work they did last year or for the last 20 years.

Would you do that?

You can’t justify that so why would you expect others to justify it for you.

Unless you come and offer the company more skills next year adding more value to the company then a raise shouldn’t be considered.

Wealth isn’t attracted to seniority (it never has been) so don’t ever be fooled into thinking otherwise.

What happens when 20 years go by and your tightening a screw at the same speed that you’ve been tightening for 20 years, with yearly raises?

Then someone comes along and says they’ll tighten the screw for half the price you’re tightening for?

What would you do as a business owner?

It’s basic economics and I said all that to say this: if you want something in life you have got to take your destiny into your own hands.

You can’t rely on somebody else to come and give it to you. You can’t rely on someone at the end of year to give you a raise.

You got to go research, you’ve got to study you’ve got to watch tutorial videos. You got to acquire the skills and knowledge that it takes to succeed.

You got to invest in yourself. So what are you doing to invest in yourself? Because if you’re not doing anything to invest in yourself you just talk.

Talk is cheap silver action is gold.

If you’re going to complain at least do something to get yourself out of that situation don’t just complain and be like those people who all they do is complain.

We all have the same opportunities you have to look at everything in your life as one of two things you can see it as an opportunity or as a closed door.

But you have to realize that every door that closes on you immediately by equal and opposite reaction another door opens for you because in every loss is a lesson.

If that’s the case what have you learn from the lessons that have happened in your life. What have you learned from the losses in your life.

Just sit back and reflect in the last year how many times have you lost something. Whether it was money or a job or a car or anything. Something that you had that you was valuable to you but you lost.

What did you learn from it? Or did you do an action that cause you to lose something you gain the lesson but you didn’t you didn’t learn a lesson.

If you reflect on all the memorable losses you had in your life where you’ve lost your fight all the lessons you need.

Through life’s many lessons you can achieve a high degree of success because those lessons are good for us to stay away from the pitfalls and mistakes that we made in our life.

The so what are you doing to invest in your future what educational videos are you watching how are you spending your time with programming are you consuming?

If you’re not consuming the things that are going to make you reach your goals and succeed then I really don’t want to hear any  complaints because it’s all talk.

Blah blah blah.

You gotta get up get out and get something or risk getting left behind.

P.S. Companies don’t pay people to make complaints companies pay people to come up with solutions. So from all the complaining about your situation what are your solutions?

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