11:21AM Atlantic Fish Co. Boston, MA
Acute. Obtuse. Equilateral. Right.
Unless you’ve lived on a different planet at some point in math class you learned all about triangles.
And most of them you may not even use or were too complicated to understand.
Not this triangle.
I highly doubt (unless you’re into construction or architecture) that you come across applying these different types of triangles in your every day life.
Well that’s the story of the American education system. Always teaching things that have very little effect on your every day life once you graduate.
And no college has a refund policy so it’s up to you to learn the real things that actually earn money.
All sorts of wasted energy and time doing homework and projects for knowledge that may or may not benefit you when you become an adult and start working in the real world.
Well today I’m going to share with you a triangle that will help you in your business and hopefully put some money in your pocket.
Nothing is guaranteed but using strategies that have been proven time and time again and that have been tried and tested to work can do just that.
“Show me the money!”
These strategies can dramatically help increase the amount of clients coming through the doors of your business.
And when I say doors that could mean physical doors or the “virtual doors” to your company or practice.
Meaning visiting your website, following you on social media, opting in to your email sequence or any other way in which your potential clients or patients go from not knowing about you to becoming aware of your presence in business.
Now there are two main components to make any business grow. They are marketing and sales.
And although bigger companies tend to have two separate departments, one for sales and one for marketing (to maximize time and effort) the two categories go hand-in-hand.
Pretty much inseparable.
So marketing is a way of getting your potential clients to be aware of you.
And to remind your past clients that you’re still astonishing the market with your unique products or services.
It’s also used to establish a presence as a knowledgeable and a trustable business.
And when done right it is a way to sift and sort through the people who are serious from those who are not.
So if this process is done correctly it will make it much easier for the sales department to spend time selling and not looking for new clients.
Now the better that these clients are sifted and sorted through in marketing the more effective sales become.
So you always hear the sales departments of big companies complaining that the marketing team did not get them the right leads.
That means the sales team spends a crazy amount of time trying to sell to people who either don’t have the money, time, need or urgency to buy.
The triangle I’m about to teach you is an equilateral triangle.
A triangle with equal sides. So picture a triangle with one inch on each side.
Now replace those 3 numbers with these three components:
market, message, media.
This may well be the most powerful triangle you’ve ever learned in your life.
If you own a small business or practice it’s a triangle that you will likely refer back to time and time again.
It’s a triangle that every small business owner can refer back to whenever preparing a marketing campaign and composing a marketing strategy for their business or practice.
The reason why the equilateral triangle is used is because each aspect of your marketing strategy is equally important.
So you must understand that each step must be done effectively and all your bases must be covered in order for this marketing strategy to be more effective.
Understanding this triangle is the key to an effective marketing campaign.
So I highly suggest that you make sure in your marketing strategy you clearly understand these 3 important sides of your marketing triangle.
They are:
1. Market- the market that you are selling two or intend to sell two. Also known as the “who”.
2. Message- your message and how that message will be expressed to your potential or current customers. Explaining the value in your products or services, what makes you different and the reason of urgency for them to buy now. Also known as the “what”.
3. Media- the delivery systems that you use to convey that message that you developed for your market. Also known as the “how”.
The types of delivery systems are well known and they include things such as face-to-face meetings, phone calls, emails, brochures newspaper ads, Direct mail, website and on and on and on.
So this is probably the most important triangle you’ll ever learn in business and one that you will refer back to time and time again as you launch more more marketing campaigns for your business or practice.