I’ve been hearing a lot of complaints from Uber drivers complaining about them not being able to make money.
About them not being able to earn them struggling to survive and the only thing I have to say about that is to you stop whining like little sissies.
You guys out there with one source of income.
No Plan B forget about plan C or D. Now I don’t think many companies have become financially successful by selling only one product or one service.
Rather in order to be successful in business you need to be diverse.
You need to offer many different products and services in order to generate income. Yet, you don’t want to take the necessary steps it takes to succeed.
Time and time again I get Uber drivers coming up to me asking “how can I make more money”, “how can I increase my sales?”, “how can I get more clients?” and my answer to them every single time is…
Build a website.
How are you going to make one money if you’re one dimensional? Because if that one source of income is cut off you’re not able to earn for your family.
Are you relying on one source for one dollar a mile? Little do you know that to operate a vehicle cost more than one dollar in many instances.
Therefore it’s economically impossible for you to succeed driving full-time for Uber.
Now if you drive for Uber black you’re making more than one dollar per mile but the volume of business has significantly decreased due to the fact that everybody is now using UberX and Uber pool.
I’m tired of hearing you guys complain stop acting like a bunch of sissies get off of your behind and do something.
No ones gonna keep feeding you work.
Build a website
If you want to make income you want to earn more money you have to invest in yourself.
How could you go out and spend $30,000 to $50,000 on a car spent $7000 a year on insurance spend thousands of dollars a year to maintain your vehicle spent thousands of dollars on gas every year but when I advise you to spend a couple thousand dollars for a website and marketing you tell me that’s too much.
This is why I’m calling you a sissy.
Because you want to complain to me that you’re not making money but at the same time you don’t want to invest in yourself by building a website.
That’s like building a house and completing the whole house. Then installing the doors but not putting any locks or door knobs on the doors so you can’t get in the house.
So you build a house but you can’t benefit from it. You build her business but nobody knows about you because you haven’t built a website and did marketing and advertising.
Now if you’re not going to do these three things:
build the website do marketing and advertising my suggestion to you sell your car and go to Dunkin’ Donuts or Burger King and start flipping burgers.
In order to be able to pay your bills and support your family you have to be diverse. You have to in this day and age have a website.
Not having a website would be like saying you own a company but you don’t have business cards. Same thing
Now a professional business website can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $5000 and the lowest of the thousand dollars if you want to be looked at as a professional company you must build a website. It’s as simple as that.
You may already know this but in the past websites or of two types desktop and mobile.
But now the websites are more modern in what’s called responsive. In other words in response to whatever device you are using.
If you’re on desktop the website will adjust to the size of the screen if you’re on a tablet or smartphone, same thing.
It will automatically adjust looking professional and clean. Cool right?
Well when you’re ready to build a real business feel free to contact me at info@marbleheadcarservice.com and we’ll get you started.